Blog post 7

I would say what Damon Krukowski is trying to say by “The marginal-the rejected-the repressed-is of no use at the moment” is by how music is chosen now for us by companies from taste , genre, type just by modern technology. He’s saying that even though music gets rejected and no use it can still hold a value or use somewhere else. Music companies like Spotify or apple would hand pick select music choices for you just based of one song you’ve chosen when you start listening. They would automatically play a song off your playlist so you can listen to a new stream and new genre making that music useful in someone else’s stream.

what he’s trying to say with the powerful and the marginalized is that you can transform anything, remake it , rebuild or re structure to make it modernized or to the majorities liking making that powerful. Marginalized is having no significance in society but is significant to you or someone else and starts to receive the attention and builds itself up again.

Krukowski has a point that surprise is not the same as discovery to a big corporation these corps want to change everyone and as much of our time as possible with their products they want their products to consume us. Krukowski gives an example of Google ,Spotify and Facebook. He shows us how these three company provide our information we would like to know. When we use Spotify we always want to hear what we like our taste in music , when using google we always want to read the correct answers to the questions we seek. So when were using these apps we went to feel and experience differently when browsing on them.

The music listening experiences enabled by Force Exposure is quite different to those that Paul Lamere is working on with platforms like Spotify because In Force Exposure, we pick up songs and list it to a  playlist that fits for you.  Spotify they are always built by programmers and it has algorithm in the app which can expose us different kinds of music and provide us to explore unfamiliar music giving us a wide variety.

Blog post 6

Ralph talks to you about  the sounds around him where he lives, what he hears and what he see’s in his home in nyc, but he speaks about these negatively.  He talks to you about how everyone around him makes noise. He hears the loud music playing or hears the ruckous outside from the people or animals.  when he mentions ” live with music or die by noise” he was telling us that youre either going to tolerate and tune out the noise around you and create your own tune your own music or die by everyone else’s sounds and noise that surrounds you. In this case It’s a way of selective hearing you chose what to hear or cancel out.  He compares himself to the singer he hears and reminds him of a time where he would practice his instrument and the noise he would make. Ellison would play music to cancel out the noises of his neighbor basically noise against noise.

Ralph & Schaeffer both spoke about the sound and space in there case. Ralph Ellison spoke about his sound and space from his apartment by making noise on top of noise and Schaeffer canceled out noise with a pair of headphones. Both of them from New York City but just different aspects and ways of dealing with their life style.

Blog Post #8

In this paper I would like to talk about the significance of noise, although it can first be seen as a nuisance, it could also have positive effects, even if you don’t realize it at first. Noise anywhere can help one gain inspiration and have a new appreciation for sound. In Ralph Ellison’s ‘Living With Music,’ he describes the concerns he had living in his apartment; he heard all these different sounds through his walls, but once he moved away he started to miss all the noises he heard and now he enjoys music more. In ‘Ways of Hearing,’ Damon Krukowski discusses how easy music is at our fingertips through streaming services, which helps people connect more with music. Both Ralph Ellison and Damon Krukowski talk about ways to drown the New York City noise out by listening to your own music that you want to hear, instead of listening to noise you are forced to listen to.

blog post #8

This is a comparison of the soundscape by. R. Murray Schafer and the article show A.S.M.R Became a Sensation

In this paper i will be discussing how different sounds affect our environment. A big topic brought up was noise pollution and how we choose to not listen/block out certain sounds. In both of the articles ear sensation was mentioned. Through A.S.M.R we listen to sounds that can be a form of serotonin and a mind relaxation sensation. A.S.M.R is a stimulation of the mind with raw sounds. Some. people find it relaxing while other like myself don’t really find it as. enjoyable of an experience. While feeling that way I could also appreciate it. In Schafers article he talks about how the ear is an “erotic orface”. We can experience sensation through many different sounds. Different sounds affect our behavior, our mood, and our environment.

Blog post 8

Taron Lewis




                                                A.S.M.R  Being famous 


         We always find videos to relax our minds, to escape from reality, to help us sleep, and to release our stress. This is about A.S.M.R videos those kinds of videos are like messages to our brains it’s like something to calm ourselves from what happened to us over the years, or for dealing with anxiety or dealing with stress, I found about this kind of videos, from watching a funny show that represented A.S.M.R videos and from watching one years ago. I think these kinds of videos are more different from what we usually listen to when we want to sleep or ease our minds because you can hear the sounds that are being made and you can probably tell how they are being made, like a footstep or crunching noise, something being broken apart or well anything really. A.S.M.R videos can be something for your brain when you really need it but only when you really need it or you just wanna experience it for the first time and I’ve experienced it the second time from my professor and thanks to him he got me thinking about what could be the difference of those videos to relaxing and meditation-videos, so I decided to create this story to explain what I think about them and for what the world to know about it, just the people who don’t know about and for the younger people. Sometimes I usually prefer relaxing videos because they can help me sleep sometimes and from what I think about the A.S.M.R videos it can just be enjoyable to hear, nice to listen to, and to help a little with your mind. The sounds you hear from the video is a lot different from what we hear in reality, in reality, the stomping, the noises, the crashes, and a lot of other things can just be annoying to the person not relaxing, it’s not relaxing because it can stress a lot of people out hearing the same stuff over and over again can cause a migraine or might give you a headache, what I hear from the A.S.M.R videos is just calming noises of things that can cool your mind instead of making it worse for you, so the sounds you hear in those videos will be way better for you.

blog 8

paper 2: I will be writing about and ‘ways of hearing podcast  one time’  and ways of hearing podcast 2 space by:Damon kraveritsky and how sound is and how they affect daily life. I do believe that sound affects daily life in NYC in both podcasts in daily life.

In both podcasts what is discussed is sound and how they affect your daily life like living in a city such as New York City. Also it is talked about how sounds can be manipulated to our advantage now verses  the 1920s.  these podcasts  state that Sound is all around us and in our lives in many different aspects and many different forms. From bustling traffic to sitting in a theater and listening to a performance or just filming a podcast in set theater sounding like you are in a studio and how where you are affects the  sound around you. In the one pod cats it states that electronics can also ,take a listening experience diffrent.


Blog Post #8

Sound is part of our lives, it plays a bigger role and affects us. When sound takes place in a particular setting, it affects its space, or those living in that particular environment. This is known as keynote, according to R. Murray Schafer’s “The Soundscape.” One example is a teenager entering a clothing store that was once a toy store, thus giving him a sense of nostalgia, or memories as to how he once loved that store and the atmosphere it brought in his early childhood. Once the sound is given in a particular environment, it gains value and significance over time by the community living there and therefore gives that place meaning. This is known as a sound mark based on Schafer’s “The Soundscape.” There are real-life examples of how Schafer sees sound and how it affects other people when it comes to sound bringing significance to them. From Damon Krukowski’s “Ways of Hearing” to Ralph Ellison’s “Living with Music”, it explains how sound takes place and affects the things around them.

Blog post #8

I will be writing an essay about “Living with Music” by Ralph Ellison, and ways of hearing episode 2 “space” by Krukowsi.

In “Living with Music” Ralph Ellison says that his life in those days was either live with music or die with noise. In addition,Ralph Ellison tells us how music has changed his living experience of New York City’s noisy life and the importance of music. Ralph says that music will not only calm down when we are in trouble, it will resurrect us. Ralph Ellison is surely right about music and it is extremely useful in our everyday’s life because music helps us to live mentally and physically healthy by keeping away from unwanted noise.

In the Ways of hearing episode 2: Space, Krukowski speaks about noise and his experience growing up in New York City. Krukowski mentions the noise of the city as “less of a roar and more like being hit with a massive wave of sounds and people”. In addition, he examines how digital technology is privatizing public space. Furthermore, listening to our favorite music by using digital technology like headphones, earbuds can help us to avoid unnecessary background noise. Krukowski is right when he said, “when you put in your earbuds, you are creating a private space in a public space”. I agree that using digital technology like headphones, or earbuds and listening to music can help us to get rid of unnecessary background noise. However, there are some disadvantages of using digital technology like headphones or earphones. There are some examples like accidents, ear problems, and taking people away from being socialized.











Listening Through Tech…..

Headphones parachute their way to elevate how we share public spaces yet privately. However, headphones set boundaries and limits to how we share spaces. Although headphones create such greatness for sharing public spaces and limit how we communicate, their acceptance can also be bad for health, and continuous use may Cause hearing loss. How we value our communications skills; depends on how, where, and when we use headphones.
The way we communicate when wearing headphones,  although the acceptance of headphones in workplaces is not tolerated. The implications of headphones have puzzling questions about how we accept our socializing and sharing spaces skills.  Some may find it unhealthy and lack self-esteem.

Though it is for personal use, whether business or pleasure, headphones also restrict and limit one to being in their bubble of space; even though headphones isolate how one socializes, it gives you the experience to share public space privately.

Technology invention of Headphones has helped society reduce noise pollution and sharing of space without disturbing one another. People use headphones to seclude themselves from others. One can now only hear what they listen to rather than what is happening around them.
Loud music is usually heard booming through speakers or boombox; Nowadays, one can attend a party and listen to the music through headphones.
They are not limited to listening to what the disc jockey is playing but can choose what they want to hear.

Headphones enhance how we avoid ear contact, unwanted sounds sound that is of meaning to one ear, the option to share public spaces headphones lays out those choices for us to make.
The jogger, the Teacher, and the train rider all give in to the power of headphones; they are indeed powerful when the sound of a crescendo shot like a kettledrum through your ear feels the adrenaline energy listening to their favorite genre.

But Listening to Schafer and reading Ellison’s essay, sounds are what we listen to and what we hear, as soundscape is a combination of sounds and how the listener perceives it.
One can appreciate each sound as soothing and enthusiastic or find it annoying and disruptive.

Blog Post #8

In Paper #2, based on The Soundscape by R. Murray Schafer, and the article How A.S.M.R Became a Sensation, I will be writing about how sounds play a significant role in today’s lifestyle, such as noise pollution, and how people are rediscovering the sounds that have disappeared into the city soundscape. While I find many A.S.M.R sounds unpleasant, I do agree that A.S.M.R sounds can be therapeutic that can improve our mental well-being by giving a feeling of euphoria. These reproduced sounds and raw sounds of nature are essential for us to be in a state of harmony in the world we live in. 

In The Soundscape and A.S.M.R article, both emphasize wanted sounds that can help enhance our life if we listen carefully. Schafer also claims that “the ear is also an erotic orifice,” likewise people who find triggers in A.S.M.R sounds experience pleasurable sensations. Despite both focusing on listening carefully to desired sounds, Schafer expresses concern over rising levels of noise pollution and how we must find a way to eliminate unwanted sounds. On the other hand, A.S.M.R gives us escape from noises by reproducing the sounds in its natural form to give raw sound experience. The importance of these two articles focuses on what really triggers us when we intently listen to sounds around us and how it changes our behaviors. As more different sounds are added to city soundscape, many people are beginning to seek the sound we had forgotten to listen to.