Hi, my name is Ismanol and I am majoring in criminal justice. Looking forward to getting my two years degree in LAGCC. I have some hobbies that I practice in my free time, they are cycling, photography,skating,reading and motorcycle rides. In the near future I would like to visit some other countries because I love to learn about new cultures. Indeed I love to talk about human behavior and debate certain iams about it. I think there is not a dream impossible to achieve, it’s like if you can dream you can make it. I’m going to college not with the purpose of getting a good job in the future, my idea with this is that you can educate yourself and become a better human being therefore, my compromise is to become more intelligent with everything that I can learn in my journal in life. But at the end of the day the most important thing is to love yourself first and the you will be able to give love to other.
Category Archives: Blog posts
Reproduction of mechanisms changes to technology has vastly affected all aspects of life from how we lived in the past to how today’s society lives; for example, when one needed to know information, it came by “word of mouth.”
Even telling time of day was done by looking at your shadow and measuring how far it falls behind the body while the sun is up.
The evolution of mechanisms has reshaped the world significantly as technology changes how society lives, learns, works, and travels.
Now one can sit and watch what is going on worldwide without moving; the digital world makes it possible.
Japan is known for the rapid advance in technology after the second world war; the advancement in electronic example vehicles, robotics, video games medical devices are some of the few developments in technology.
People develop talent and education to aid them in operating the impact of the changes.
Society can now use the digital system to do everything. The internet provides us with all the information ready at hand with just one click away.
For a computer, this device has come a long way from occupying a room because of its enormous size to the extent that it can be carried around with one hand and fit on one’s lap.
Society can always stay in touch with family, friends, and work no matter their location, and you can still communicate instantly. People can now explore these changes in the digital world, from a house phone to smartphones from computers to tablets.
Technology connectivity aids us to do many things anytime, anywhere. It helps us to do online and banking shopping. Digital technology makes it possible always to have ready access to information.
To compare changes of current technology and its uses by how it has been in the past. The digital system has vastly changed how we live today.
Below is a picture of the first computer and is the massive size in comparison to
A laptop that is much smaller in size and has more capabilities.
In the earliest time, before electromagnetic telephones came about, mechanical and acoustic devices were used for transmitting speech and music.
This device was based on sound transmission. The sound was transmitted by mechanical vibration.
Things and time moved quickly, the digital world exploded, and the telephone emerged to a successive improvement—the idea to communicate electronically with the invention of cell phones.
They have given credits for another successful vision with a mooted idea of mechanical reproduction.
Blog Post 7
What Krukowski means by “the marginal-the rejected-the repressed-is whatever the powerful have decided is of no use at the moment.” is that the powerful decide what is important and what is not. He is trying to put significance on the marginalized. Music indicates the differences between the powerful and the marginalized because they both think of music in different ways. They could think of music as negatively or positively. The distinctions Krukowski makes between being surprised by music and discovering music is that you feel different from each. The differences he describes are that surprise is not that helpful and that discovering is based on what we like. The music listening experiences enabled by Forced Exposure are different from platforms like Spotify because there is an algorithm in Spotify. Spotify will show you music similar to what you often listen to because of the algorithm.
blog post 6
In “Living with Music”, Ralph Ellison describes how music affects his living experience in his New York City apartment building in many ways. He describes many things related to the noise he hears around him. His apartment is surrounded by many different noises like the cats and dogs or the singer who lived above him. He describes some of his experiences as positive and some of them as negative.
In the first sentence when he says “In those days it was either live with music or die with noise…” he means they had to live with all the sounds around his apartment. He described how he tried many things like audio equipment to prevent the noise. He chose to desperately live instead.
There are many comparisons between Ellison’s essay and episode 2 of Damon Krukowski’s Ways of hearing. Both described the noises they hear around them. They also talked about experiences in New York. They both talked about sound and noise that added to their experience in New York.
Blog Post 5
I feel that “hearing” and “listening” are two different things. You can hear many things without paying attention. When you are listening you are focusing and thinking about the topic. We do make choices about what we listen to. When we listen to things we are choosing to listen to it. We make these choices by considering what is important to listen to and what is not. The criteria we use is how helpful the information that we listen to would be. Structural features could also play part in how we listen to things. We might want to listen to specific things that we feel matter more.
Schafer and Krukowski discuss the relationship between sound and space in many ways. They explain we use our hearing to locate sounds around us. They also talk about how New York has been getting gentrified. Many people contributed to the space taken in New York from gentrification. They talk about how inside and outdoors sounds are different. Ear buds also amplify sounds for us. They say ear buds are like a dream of the sounds we hear.
Blog post 7
I would say what Damon Krukowski is trying to say by “The marginal-the rejected-the repressed-is of no use at the moment” is by how music is chosen now for us by companies from taste , genre, type just by modern technology. He’s saying that even though music gets rejected and no use it can still hold a value or use somewhere else. Music companies like Spotify or apple would hand pick select music choices for you just based of one song you’ve chosen when you start listening. They would automatically play a song off your playlist so you can listen to a new stream and new genre making that music useful in someone else’s stream.
what he’s trying to say with the powerful and the marginalized is that you can transform anything, remake it , rebuild or re structure to make it modernized or to the majorities liking making that powerful. Marginalized is having no significance in society but is significant to you or someone else and starts to receive the attention and builds itself up again.
Krukowski has a point that surprise is not the same as discovery to a big corporation these corps want to change everyone and as much of our time as possible with their products they want their products to consume us. Krukowski gives an example of Google ,Spotify and Facebook. He shows us how these three company provide our information we would like to know. When we use Spotify we always want to hear what we like our taste in music , when using google we always want to read the correct answers to the questions we seek. So when were using these apps we went to feel and experience differently when browsing on them.
The music listening experiences enabled by Force Exposure is quite different to those that Paul Lamere is working on with platforms like Spotify because In Force Exposure, we pick up songs and list it to a playlist that fits for you. Spotify they are always built by programmers and it has algorithm in the app which can expose us different kinds of music and provide us to explore unfamiliar music giving us a wide variety.
Blog post 6
Ralph talks to you about the sounds around him where he lives, what he hears and what he see’s in his home in nyc, but he speaks about these negatively. He talks to you about how everyone around him makes noise. He hears the loud music playing or hears the ruckous outside from the people or animals. when he mentions ” live with music or die by noise” he was telling us that youre either going to tolerate and tune out the noise around you and create your own tune your own music or die by everyone else’s sounds and noise that surrounds you. In this case It’s a way of selective hearing you chose what to hear or cancel out. He compares himself to the singer he hears and reminds him of a time where he would practice his instrument and the noise he would make. Ellison would play music to cancel out the noises of his neighbor basically noise against noise.
Ralph & Schaeffer both spoke about the sound and space in there case. Ralph Ellison spoke about his sound and space from his apartment by making noise on top of noise and Schaeffer canceled out noise with a pair of headphones. Both of them from New York City but just different aspects and ways of dealing with their life style.
Blog Post #8
Sound is part of our lives, it plays a bigger role and affects us. When sound takes place in a particular setting, it affects its space, or those living in that particular environment. This is known as keynote, according to R. Murray Schafer’s “The Soundscape.” One example is a teenager entering a clothing store that was once a toy store, thus giving him a sense of nostalgia, or memories as to how he once loved that store and the atmosphere it brought in his early childhood. Once the sound is given in a particular environment, it gains value and significance over time by the community living there and therefore gives that place meaning. This is known as a sound mark based on Schafer’s “The Soundscape.” There are real-life examples of how Schafer sees sound and how it affects other people when it comes to sound bringing significance to them. From Damon Krukowski’s “Ways of Hearing” to Ralph Ellison’s “Living with Music”, it explains how sound takes place and affects the things around them.
blog post #7
At the beginning of the “Power” episode Krukowaki asserts, “the marginal-the rejected-the represses- is whatever the powerful have decided is of no use at the moment.” He means that people nowadays buy or download music apps online rather than buying CDs from the store physically. Matter of fact, technology has worked so well that people now live in a digital world where they do not go to bookstores, or record stores, or libraries.
In the episode of “power” Krokowsaki draws differences between being “surprised” by music and “discovering” music. I believe that being surprised by music means that the music that we hear every day on our phones using the music apps like Pandora, or Apple music, or Spotify. Moreover, those music apps want to give us music we probably like where we don’t have control over it. On the other hand, “discovering” music means that we go into a bookstore where we can gain so much information. Even Though going to the bookstores, or record stores, or libraries is fundamentally different, when we learn to navigate, we adopt it where we can discover something good.
The music listening experiences by Forced exposure is different from platforms like Spotify. Forced exposure is a music magazine where Jimmy Johnson would listen to every record that comes into his record store so that he would be able to provide knowledge and recommendation to his customers. In other words, forced exposure means buying music from people who recommend us to listen. On the other hand, Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and video service which wants to give us the music we probably like. In addition, it gives us access to millions of songs all over the world and it is done by computers where humans have no control over it.
Blog #7
- When Krukowski asserted “the marginal-the rejected-the repressed-is whatever the powerful have decided is of no use at the moment. From what I understand, he meant that in the world of music, there is not everybody’s favorite. It depends on an individual’s test of music. So, some rejected songs from some groups could be another group’s hits.
- What he trying to say is sometimes the test of music can identify what position of people in the society. It’s a hierarchy. People who like to listen to mainstream music seem like they are on top of the triangle. On the other hand, people who listen to something different are on the bottom. These people could be marginalized and oppressed.
- According to Krukowski, being “surprised” by music and “discovering” music are different. The difference between these experiences is a surprise is not a helpful thing. He talked about Facebook and other search engines that usually do not surprise us, but it wants us to feel comfortable with it. On the other hand, going to a bookstore or record shop gives us a different feeling. We will find something new in the real world, that doesn’t get narrowed down by the algorithm. That is discovering.
- “Forced exposure” lets the music companies pick songs in order to play on the radio. It’s a lot of various types of music. This doesn’t like Spotify because listeners can predict what they will be listening to. In Spotify, they use the same algorithm which does not help listeners discover a new type of music.
Blog Post #7
i think Krukowski means that music is no longer appreciated through CDs. With the new technology in this world everything is so advanced CDs aren’t used anymore. People now listen to music through apps on their phone. The distinction between being surprised by music vs discovering music is when you’re surprised you have no expectations you’re just surprised of the unknown. Vs when you discover something you are looking for it. It’s important because this is how we understand music more. Forced exposure vs listening to music on Spotify is different. When listening to Forced exposure you can listen to lots of music but have to wait to make contact with the artist. Meanwhile with Spotify it provides music based on your interests or mood. Spotify has unlimited amounts of music.