- When Krukowski asserted “the marginal-the rejected-the repressed-is whatever the powerful have decided is of no use at the moment. From what I understand, he meant that in the world of music, there is not everybody’s favorite. It depends on an individual’s test of music. So, some rejected songs from some groups could be another group’s hits.
- What he trying to say is sometimes the test of music can identify what position of people in the society. It’s a hierarchy. People who like to listen to mainstream music seem like they are on top of the triangle. On the other hand, people who listen to something different are on the bottom. These people could be marginalized and oppressed.
- According to Krukowski, being “surprised” by music and “discovering” music are different. The difference between these experiences is a surprise is not a helpful thing. He talked about Facebook and other search engines that usually do not surprise us, but it wants us to feel comfortable with it. On the other hand, going to a bookstore or record shop gives us a different feeling. We will find something new in the real world, that doesn’t get narrowed down by the algorithm. That is discovering.
- “Forced exposure” lets the music companies pick songs in order to play on the radio. It’s a lot of various types of music. This doesn’t like Spotify because listeners can predict what they will be listening to. In Spotify, they use the same algorithm which does not help listeners discover a new type of music.