Category Archives: do not use

Blog post 8

Taron Lewis




                                                A.S.M.R  Being famous 


         We always find videos to relax our minds, to escape from reality, to help us sleep, and to release our stress. This is about A.S.M.R videos those kinds of videos are like messages to our brains it’s like something to calm ourselves from what happened to us over the years, or for dealing with anxiety or dealing with stress, I found about this kind of videos, from watching a funny show that represented A.S.M.R videos and from watching one years ago. I think these kinds of videos are more different from what we usually listen to when we want to sleep or ease our minds because you can hear the sounds that are being made and you can probably tell how they are being made, like a footstep or crunching noise, something being broken apart or well anything really. A.S.M.R videos can be something for your brain when you really need it but only when you really need it or you just wanna experience it for the first time and I’ve experienced it the second time from my professor and thanks to him he got me thinking about what could be the difference of those videos to relaxing and meditation-videos, so I decided to create this story to explain what I think about them and for what the world to know about it, just the people who don’t know about and for the younger people. Sometimes I usually prefer relaxing videos because they can help me sleep sometimes and from what I think about the A.S.M.R videos it can just be enjoyable to hear, nice to listen to, and to help a little with your mind. The sounds you hear from the video is a lot different from what we hear in reality, in reality, the stomping, the noises, the crashes, and a lot of other things can just be annoying to the person not relaxing, it’s not relaxing because it can stress a lot of people out hearing the same stuff over and over again can cause a migraine or might give you a headache, what I hear from the A.S.M.R videos is just calming noises of things that can cool your mind instead of making it worse for you, so the sounds you hear in those videos will be way better for you.

blog 8

paper 2: I will be writing about and ‘ways of hearing podcast  one time’  and ways of hearing podcast 2 space by:Damon kraveritsky and how sound is and how they affect daily life. I do believe that sound affects daily life in NYC in both podcasts in daily life.

In both podcasts what is discussed is sound and how they affect your daily life like living in a city such as New York City. Also it is talked about how sounds can be manipulated to our advantage now verses  the 1920s.  these podcasts  state that Sound is all around us and in our lives in many different aspects and many different forms. From bustling traffic to sitting in a theater and listening to a performance or just filming a podcast in set theater sounding like you are in a studio and how where you are affects the  sound around you. In the one pod cats it states that electronics can also ,take a listening experience diffrent.


blog post #8

    I’m going to talk about how the use of headphones can change our experience in public spaces. Having headphones in public is changing the experience we have. Having headphones in or earphones changes the experience because we are not focused on the outside we are focused on what we are listening to. so, when we have the sound playing in our ears and its louder than the sounds around us we are going to focus on it especially if we’re playing a song we like, or a podcast, etc. Headphones give you an option to block all other noise so you can only hear what you want.  Also, it gives us control over what we hear, and how loud it is. Depending on where you live it can be loud and noisy. Headphones change our experience everywhere you can block out the noises in public to hear anything you want and only you will hear it . It can be relaxing music but in a very loud public space .or it can be loud music in a quiet public space. you can be in your own world not paying attention to anything around you, just listening to your earphones.  Radios are another way to hear anything you want but people prefer to privately listen to their music rather then other people hear it.  Apps like Spotify and pandora, have a variety of options and you can set whatever mood you are in no matter where you are, and how loud or quiet the public space is.  You can have whatever experience you want when you choose what to hear.

blog post #7

Krukowski says that, “the marginal-the rejected- the repressed- is whatever the powerful have decided is of no use at the moment.” I think he is talking about the algorithm that is deciding which specific songs to pick uniquely for you. The songs that the algorithm thinks you won’t like, AKA ‘the rejected,’ is decided that it has no use at the moment. As time changes, your music taste can also taste, so the ‘at the moment’ part can mean that there is a possibility that you might like the ‘rejected’ song in the future.

Music can indicate the differences between the powerful and the marginalized by what most people listen to vs what they don’t listen to. Powerful/popular songs are on the radio, billboard charts, more often to be used in other media like movies or TV shows, while songs that aren’t popular aren’t as often used in the media or likely to show up on the radio.

Being “surprised” by music is described by Krukowski as being shocked when one listens to a song that is close to what they usually listen to, they’re surprised that they haven’t listened to this before because it is so similar to what they usually do listen to. “Discovering” music is when one would listen to a song they usually wouldn’t listen to and end up taking a liking to it. This is important as it can widen one’s music taste as a whole.

Forced exposure is deciding which songs to pick to put on the radio, this was before music streaming services even existed, so everyone would listen to music on the radio. Paul Lamere is giving spotify users similar songs that a user would probably listen to since it is a similar song that they’re already listening to.

Blog Post #5

I think the differences between “hearing” and “listening” are that we basically hear everything that we hear everyday, but listening is really taking in that information that we’ve heard, sort of what our brain analyzes when we listen to that sound. Like you probably wouldn’t pay all that attention to cars honking when you’re on you’re daily stroll, but if you were in class you would most likely start listening to take in all that important information. I think we have a choice to what we listen to, like you choose to listen to your friend talking to you, but you can probably tune all sounds out if your parent starts lecturing you.

Schafer and Krukowski discuss the relationship between sound and space by talking about the city. All the people we see on the streets are using noise cancelling headphones or using their phone to avoid any kind of human interaction. They say you can create your own personal bubble or space.

Blog Post #5

We as humans, tend to seclude ourselves from something we don’t want to be bothered with. This viewpoint can be plainly seen in New York City. The public transportation (MTA) in NYC is mostly crowded throughout the day. You will see people on the way to work, school, singers, dancers and the homeless. Then you will see the seclusion that people have from the rest of the city. Krukowski’s point about the use of earbuds is an excellent example. Even if the city is noisy, we remove ourselves intentionally from the outside world by looking at our phone screens or having earbuds on or both. In doing so we don’t even know what is going on in our surroundings. Krukowski says “But here with all these headphones, it’s like we are avoiding ear contact”. I agree with this because  when I put my AirPods on, I don’t feel compelled to interact anyone or to hear all the unnecessary noise encompassing the city. I can pick out what sounds I want to hear or who I want to converse with.

Blog Post #4

In the Introduction to his book Seeing through Race, Martin A. Berger (not related to John Berger) lays out the thesis of his book’s interpretation of the photography associated with the U.S. Civil Rights era (1950s &1960s). According to Berger, newspaper and magazine editors selected photographs based on their perceived power to draw out the of their white readers. The result, Berger continues, was that “the media could not assuage the racial anxieties of whites without affecting the depiction of blacks.” This meant that photographs that featured the black protestors succumbing to white violence was more common than depictions of black-led political action. In other words, editors, especially white ones, were more likely to use photographs featuring black people as victims as opposed to black people standing up for their rights.

Recently, we have seen a similar dynamic at play as media depictions of the killing of George Floyd caused many white allies to take to the streets in solidarity with black Americans. We have also seen media depictions of African-American protests incite white racial anxieties about black violence.

What do you make of Berger’s argument? Do you agree, disagree, or something in between? Use the information from Chapter 4 of They Say/I Say and the “Sheridan Baker Thesis Machine” and write a thesis statement in which you take a position on Berger’s argument.

Blog Post #3

  1. According to Berger, “publicity” influences us to purchase products to feel glamorous and rich.
  2. Theses differences are important because it helps us recognize reality from fantasy. The oil paintings illustrated the owner’s wealth and worth within the picture and around it (gold frames) whereas the publicity images portrays what we want and if we buy what it’s offering, our life would be better
  3. The dream of a faraway place uses imagery to manipulate consumers by insisting that consumers could be away on vacation and feel stress-free, relaxed, and live their fantasy. But once it’s over, consumers come back to reality which may not be so pleasurable. Advertising and publicity helps us escape this reality it makes us believe the more we have, the more glamorous and desirable we will become.

blog post 4

It is said in Berger’s thesis that in the 1960s during the black rights movement whites and blacks portrayed the movement differently in their respective news outlets. I agree with this, white news outlets presented photos of the violence directed towards colored protestors while colored news outlets portrayed their side of the movement showing the peaceful protests they put into action.

blog post 3

  1. Berger states that publicity is a form of language .
  2. Berger states glamour didn’t exist without social envy as well as  the people that owned the oil paintings  they believed in grace not glamour.
  3. I dream of owning a car and commercials and advertising make me want and  dream more about owning a vehicle that is how you get consumers to buy a car.