In this paper I would like to talk about the significance of noise, although it can first be seen as a nuisance, it could also have positive effects, even if you don’t realize it at first. Noise anywhere can help one gain inspiration and have a new appreciation for sound. In Ralph Ellison’s ‘Living With Music,’ he describes the concerns he had living in his apartment; he heard all these different sounds through his walls, but once he moved away he started to miss all the noises he heard and now he enjoys music more. In ‘Ways of Hearing,’ Damon Krukowski discusses how easy music is at our fingertips through streaming services, which helps people connect more with music. Both Ralph Ellison and Damon Krukowski talk about ways to drown the New York City noise out by listening to your own music that you want to hear, instead of listening to noise you are forced to listen to.
Author Archives: Katrina Averilla
blog post #7
Krukowski says that, “the marginal-the rejected- the repressed- is whatever the powerful have decided is of no use at the moment.” I think he is talking about the algorithm that is deciding which specific songs to pick uniquely for you. The songs that the algorithm thinks you won’t like, AKA ‘the rejected,’ is decided that it has no use at the moment. As time changes, your music taste can also taste, so the ‘at the moment’ part can mean that there is a possibility that you might like the ‘rejected’ song in the future.
Music can indicate the differences between the powerful and the marginalized by what most people listen to vs what they don’t listen to. Powerful/popular songs are on the radio, billboard charts, more often to be used in other media like movies or TV shows, while songs that aren’t popular aren’t as often used in the media or likely to show up on the radio.
Being “surprised” by music is described by Krukowski as being shocked when one listens to a song that is close to what they usually listen to, they’re surprised that they haven’t listened to this before because it is so similar to what they usually do listen to. “Discovering” music is when one would listen to a song they usually wouldn’t listen to and end up taking a liking to it. This is important as it can widen one’s music taste as a whole.
Forced exposure is deciding which songs to pick to put on the radio, this was before music streaming services even existed, so everyone would listen to music on the radio. Paul Lamere is giving spotify users similar songs that a user would probably listen to since it is a similar song that they’re already listening to.
Blog Post #6
In “Living with Music,” Ralph Ellison talks about living in his New York City apartment building and the neighbors he is forced to listen to through the walls of his apartment. Ellison had hated being forced to listen to all the other surroundings of his apartment at first, but then he starts to miss it when his background noise turned into silence. He then appreciated how hearing all these sounds had helped him grow as a musician.
I think “In those days it was either live with music or die with noise…” means that people have completely different brains and feelings towards music. Like a musician can have a certain way they feel about a piece of what they’re hearing vs what a 10 year old might feel about the same noises. You can hear the honking from the streets as an annoying sound or hear it as your next inspiration for your next song.
In Ellison’s essay he writes about how hearing his noisy neighbors through the walls of his apartment building help him appreciate the background noises and helped him grow as a musician, while in episode 2 of Ways of Hearing, they discuss different ways someone might go about not wanting to hear the noises from other people, like putting on some headphones.
Blog Post #5
I think the differences between “hearing” and “listening” are that we basically hear everything that we hear everyday, but listening is really taking in that information that we’ve heard, sort of what our brain analyzes when we listen to that sound. Like you probably wouldn’t pay all that attention to cars honking when you’re on you’re daily stroll, but if you were in class you would most likely start listening to take in all that important information. I think we have a choice to what we listen to, like you choose to listen to your friend talking to you, but you can probably tune all sounds out if your parent starts lecturing you.
Schafer and Krukowski discuss the relationship between sound and space by talking about the city. All the people we see on the streets are using noise cancelling headphones or using their phone to avoid any kind of human interaction. They say you can create your own personal bubble or space.
Blog Post #4
Newspaper and magazine editors are selecting the photos to publish that depict black people as victims and succumbing to white violence as opposed to them fighting for their rights because they want everyone to see what is actually happening to black people and how terrible they are treated because of their race. Although I agree with Berger and how the media tends to show more of black people as victims, I think death would give more attention to everyone more than to show black people protesting unfortunately. It is important to show everyone how much white people are treating black people, it is also very powerful to see photographs of black people uniting together to stand up for themselves and their rights.
blog post #3
- According to Berger, publicity influences each of us in a consumer society that we adjust us human beings or our lives by buying something more. It persuades us and would somehow make us richer, although we would be poorer by spending money. This is significant because it can influence consumers into buying more and more of something, somehow seeming like the consumers have gotten richer, but by spending money and buying more things advertised, it makes them poorer.
- Berger says that we fail to see what oil paintings and the publicity image have in common because we think of one as fine art and the other as commerce. Oil paintings had already basically shown that the owner was enjoying his life and his many possessions, it had enhanced his own view of himself as he already was. Oil paintings had corresponded to the condition of his own life. With publicity, it is with things that have not yet been achieved.
- The first dream Berger offers, it shows people having a good time, being happy. Everyone is surrounded by what brings pleasure. The alcoholic beverage is associated with all these people having a good time, which makes the consumer associate having only a good time with this alcoholic beverage.
Blog post #2
Although women may still feel the same today about how they they are conscious about their appearances and what the opposite gender might think of them, a lot of women only care about what they themselves think of themselves. Now, women have more control over their images in the media they don’t always have to rely on the male gaze. Unfortunately a lot of men see women’s attempt of sexual liberation as something to do with them. One women talks about a book, “Which describes the way in which a woman is reduced for the sexual pleasure of the man she’s in love with to a complete object.” I think that a lot of women are seen as just mere objects or having their only purpose is for sex.
Blog post #1
- The model of ‘entering the conversation’ is effective because as you input your own ideas, you listen to others’ ideas and respond to each other’s feedbacks. Using these templates can even contribute to your writing to becoming more creative and original, as these templates only help guide and format your writing.
- I agree that learning to look at artwork helps us analyze other situations, as it puts yourself in others’ shoes and helps you look at things from a different perspective from things we usually wouldn’t see just coming from your own point of view. It helps you think outside of the box, artwork can make you think since a lot of it is up to the viewer to view and interpret. Observing and analyzing artwork can also train one’s eyes to search for details and inspect elements.
My name is Katrina and I’m majoring in Psychology. I was born in San Francisco, California. I’m into films/movies and film photography, so I love watching a good movie in my free time. Some of my favorites are Jojo Rabbit, Wall-E, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules. If I’m not doing anything I’m probably listening to music and jamming out to it in my head. I love trying new foods and exploring new places. 🙂