- Krukowski wants to let us know that by the times things change and powerful people or companies decide whether to put the song on the algorithm or not. Basically the new world of digital music helps artists to reach many people but also can destroy them very easily because they can put them out or in the system or algorithm. The other thing is when they choose to get the power by themselves looking for what they want to hear, therefore they are significant but they have to let the companies know that they are there. I wouldn’t say that they are significant but they basically can live without those ones that they don’t want to be part of.
- Maybe he is trying to communicate that they are trying to take away what they want from their companies. Meantime they will keep giving to people songs which have power and what is more significant for a bigger amount of people. But a title amount will be peripheral. At the end all just will depend on how much people listen to the same song or artist that will depend on whether it is marginalized or powerfull.
- It will be surprising because of how much the music can impact you from hearing it. Meanwhile discovering music is something that you will be in another cultural barrier which is something good too. This is important because you will keep on hearing what surprises you the most. Therefore, it has a combination with discovering.
- In Forced Exposure magazine, they may not use the same algorithm as spotify and just will show to people all songs on an album. This could be the big difference and the electronic world that uses spotify may be more innovative. At the end of the day they are not working in the same wave.