Ellison was trying to concentrate on his writing even though it was hard for him to accomplish such a task.
He had occupied a tiny apartment on the ground floor to the rear of his building. Ellison could hear a mixture of sounds each day because of the thin walls of the apartment.
Every morning promptly at nine, he could hear the small jukebox blasting through the thin walls from the small restaurant to his fight of the apartment. He could listen to the cats howling and dogs barking, incapable of making Music worth living with, so he ignored it.
Coming from another side, Ellison could hear various singing or preaching drunks. He had hungered and thirsted for little quiet to listen to the keys of his typewriter.
The singer who lived directly above was devoted to her art. She was not of the best voice he described, screaming on notes that had a ricochet effect bouncing down the walls of the building, sounded like whistled tenpenny nails, and the buzzing of a saw.
After a year of non-co-operation from the neighbor, he decided to call the police officers.
Ellison faced an ethical problem on how hard it is for an aspiring artist to deprive the work of another aspiring artist; he felt guilt.
Ellison had to listen, and in listening, he decided to make noise. With this, he decides to make the whole block suffer from blowing his trumpet, terrorizing a good part of the city by the sustained tones he blew through his window.
Ellison uses Music to annoy his neighbor but then realizes that Music is a constant reminder of what we are and aspire. He realizes that you live with Music or die with noise, and he desperately chooses to live. Because thou art troubled? Music will not only calm, but it will also ennoble thee.
Listening to Schafer and reading Ellison’s essay, there is no significant difference in the soundscape, as soundscape is a combination of sounds and how the listener perceives it. They both understood the sound they heard and meditated upon each one to understand their relation.
But on the contrary, Schafer appreciates each sound as soothing, enthusiastic, while Ellison finds the sounds around him annoying and disruptive.