Hi all,
I have started grading your papers, and you should be seeing your grades in Blackboard soon. You can find a video that shows you how to check your feedback in Blackboard in the tutorial videos section of the site. You do have the opportunity to revise your paper, but this is not required. Keep in mind that the course syllabus contains a revision policy. Please follow these steps if you would like to revise your paper.
General Announcements and Events
- Registration for Fall II and Spring I is open!
- You will find information about an upcoming film event on the Events & Opportunities section of the site. Writing about this event could be a possible opportunity to earn bonus points. Contact me if you’re interested.
Completed Work
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Listen: Ways of Hearing, “Episode 2: Space” (This link will take you to the homepage for the entire show. For this week, you only need to listen to “Episode 2: Space.” You can also find this podcast on other platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc.)
- Read: “The Soundscape” by R. Murray Schafer
- Watch: Screencast
- Respond: Blog post #5
- Optional Listening:
- Below you will find a list of some clips and one essay that deal with the ways the coronavirus pandemic has changed the soundscape of NYC. These are optional.
- The sounds of pandemic New York:
- “We clap because we care: New Yorkers applaud coronavirus frontline workers”
- “Jimi Hendrix tribute during NYC’s 7 o’clock cheer”
- “Alone in the City of Sirens,” The New Republic, April 10, 2020
- “Blue Angels and Thunderbirds flyover New York City to Honor Frontline Workers”
- “Missing Sounds of New York: An Auditory Love Letter to New Yorkers,” New York Public Library
Upcoming work
- Listen:
- Read:
- “How A.S.M.R. Became a Sensation” New York Times April 4 2019 by Jamie Lauren Keiles
- Watch:
- Respond: